High-quality, original work across disciplines was the goal for Universitas Pelita Harapan, one of the first schools in Indonesia to implement Turnitin institution-wide. With over 14,000 students, many of whom are enrolled in online, distance-learning courses, UPH determined that Originality Check would be helpful for students and lecturers alike.
In this case study, we examine Universitas Pelita Harapan’s (UPH) adoption of Originality Check, which has saved lecturers time and upheld the integrity of thesis and research papers.
Turnitin is directly involved in creating holistic and transformational education. It has created openness and transparent thesis supervision that was previously difficult to achieve. It also provides a comprehensive similarity check report which can be used to evaluate students’ work.
Department Chair of Distance Learning, Universitas Pelita Harapan

By the numbers
enrolled students
different study programs
Institution type
To be a Christ-centered university founded upon and promoting true knowledge, faith in Christ and godly character aiming to develop God-fearing, competent and professional future leaders through excellent, holistic and transformational education.