Turnitin launches iThenticate 2.0 to help maintain integrity of high stakes content with AI writing detection
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​In light of the shift to remote learning and the associated challenges, two very common questions have emerged: “Are my students learning and taking...


​By building a culture of academic integrity, educators can maximise learning opportunities and help students become citizens of integrity.

Gradescope 101 Workshop (ASCILITE 2020)

virtual_events | 1 Dec 2020

Learn how to transform your grading at Turnitin’s Gradescope Workshop


Turnitin hosts a panel discussion on authentic assessment in higher education, covering best practices for assessment design at scale and how to measure success


​Join us on 27 October for our panel discussion: ‘The Rollout of EdTech in Higher Education - Strategies for Successful Adoption of EdTech’.​