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Promoting innovation in teaching, learning and assessments

Episode #25

In this video, Ishpal discusses his role as Senior Learning and Teaching Specialist at RMIT University and mission to help educators integrate technology and pedagogy for a 21st century world.

Ishpal Sandhu | Senior Learning and Teaching Specialist, RMIT University

In this video, Ishpal discusses his role as Senior Learning and Teaching Specialist at RMIT University and mission to help educators integrate technology and pedagogy for a 21st-century world.

Exploring how universities are supporting staff and students in their digital adoption, he identifies mobile responsiveness and accessibility as non-negotiables for higher education.

Ishpal advocates for building a community of practice around learnings from the pandemic to reinforce innovation, and the importance of harnessing learning analytics in curriculum design to enhance student learning outcomes.

Finally, Ishpal speculates on the future of emerging technology such as simulation-based learning, to create more student-driven, authentic learning that supports employability.