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Research integrity, impact factors and commercialisation of research

Episode 45

We chat with Dr Daniel Barr & Dr David Blades from the RMIT University research integrity network about developments in research integrity & research commercialisation.

Dr Daniel Barr | Principal Research Integrity Advisor, RMIT University
Dr David Blades | Senior Coordinator, Research Integrity and Governance, RMIT University

In this video, we chat with Dr Daniel Barr and Dr David Blades from the RMIT University research integrity network, who share their experience and insights in promoting research integrity within their institution and as representatives in research advisory groups. They explore disruption in the research space and canvass developments in responsible research practices across the Asia Pacific and globally.

Considering how research integrity might facilitate better researcher connections and collaborations by leveraging trust and efficiencies, they advocate for the use of principle-based guidelines and planning tools as a way to unite research efforts and mitigate risk inherent in multi-authored work. Additionally, they call for improvement to research evaluation and rewards systems to help motivate research best practice.

How will research integrity evolve as we navigate changes in research practice? Watch the video to get Dan and David’s perspective.

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