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Rubric design to support effective feedback for learners

Episode 55

In this video, we chat with Mark Ricksen, Turnitin’s Principal Product Manager, Assessment Services, about rubric design to support effective feedback for learners and the role technology could play in advancing the application of rubrics at institutions.

Mark Ricksen | Principal Product Manager, Assessment Services, Turnitin

In this video, we chat with Mark Ricksen, Turnitin’s Principal Product Manager, Assessment Services, about rubric design to support effective feedback for learners and the role technology could play in advancing the application of rubrics at institutions.

Exploring different feedback methodologies, Mark considers how educators can use grading and feedback purposefully in order to provide greater clarity to students and address learner needs.

Mark unpacks elements of rubric design that influence learning outcomes, and observing shortcomings in rubric use, he explores the potential of technology to develop banks of rubric criteria to streamline grading and compile student data insights to help educators optimise teaching and learning.

How can rubrics be applied to better guide students in producing their best possible work, and evaluate their performance more fairly and consistently? Watch the video to learn more.

#turnitin #integritymatters #rubrics #rubricdesign #feedback #edtech